Use "videotape|videotaped|videotapes|videotaping" in a sentence

1. He was caught bootlegging videotapes.

2. Conducting unstructured or structured interviews (sometimes Audiotaped or videotaped)

3. The same would apply to renting videotapes.

4. Other models with other Audiotapes and videotapes available.

5. We even sent videotapes of lectures farther afield.

6. The bootlegging of videotapes is common in Asia.

7. A nosy neighbor actually videotaped them in their own backyard.

8. Will you videotape tonight's game for me?

9. Conducting unstructured or structured interviews (sometimes Audiotaped or videotaped)

10. - favorite toys , videotapes , and books in plain view

11. The incident was captured on videotape.

12. Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.

13. They videotaped people on a bus, and then they post- processed the video.

14. This kind of videotape rewinds automatically.

15. Jim works in famous one and videotape chain store.

16. Up until just a few years ago, Animatics were produced by filming or videotaping storyboards

17. Encrypted discs will now prohibit pristine copies to videotape.

18. In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.

19. Cinemas were old and decrepit , productions were clunkers and pirated videotapes and discs proliferated.

20. He appears on videotapes released as part of the Blarney Home Video Library.

21. Videotape stipendiary pithecanthropoid Bucoliast phyton embryoism explorational

22. Betacam is a high capacity videotape format

23. Film can also be copied onto videotape.

24. Videotapes and Audiotapes shall normally not be reused until the case file itself can be destroyed

25. We gathered in an auditorium and watched a videotape.

26. The entire incident was videotaped for a piece Riley titled Belmont Island (SMEACC).

27. Sony's digital version of its Betacam videotape format

28. A Videotape Approach to Teaching Interpretation of Amerind Signs

29. According to prosecutors, Corrales videotaped himself Brutalizing the 4-month-old puppy named Canelo

30. Jules Naudet, a French cameraman, and Pavel Hlava, a Czech immigrant, videotaped the crash.

31. The written statement must accompany the audio or videotape.

32. This is a transcript of the Scofield-Burrows videotape.

33. The videotape would have been useful to establish alibis for the defendants.

34. Betacam A high-quality videotape technology introduced by Sony in 1982

35. • Videotaped copies of the advertisements are available to the media by calling (613) 941-8189

36. Betacam videotape recorders (VTRs) are not your ordinary home VCRs

37. What because I watched the videotape of the alien signal?

38. You're gonna have to excuse the quality of the videotape.

39. 15 We gathered in an auditorium and watched a videotape.

40. There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape.

41. Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme.

42. He learned by watching an instructional videotape on how to play the guitar.

43. The videotape of the attack caused outrage when it was screened on the news.

44. The House continued to be responsible for taping proceedings and providing a live feed and videotaped replays.

45. On arrest, he disclosed that he had also committed acts of voyeurism on Shannon and others, videotaping them in the bathroom.

46. Al - Jazeera said a group al - Tawid wal Sunnah produced the videotape.

47. She then called for her daughter Paula Rolon to videotape the arrest.

48. The police will be able to play back the videotape for clues.

49. Play the videotape " The Right Direction " as participants take notes on outlines.

50. The district attorney has a videotape of you making that confession!

51. He didn't have to drive the point home . The videotape had done that.

52. Both the VHS and Betamax systems use videotape that is 0.5 inch (13…

53. They managed to smuggle a videotape of the captive journalists out of the prison.

54. Synonyms for Audiotape include tape, cassette, recording, video, videotape, tape recording, vid, videocassette, reel and spool

55. How do I know they won't secretly videotape me and put it all over the Internet?

56. 24 Below the green Victorian wallpaper decorating the small den were wood paneling and shelving loaded down with books and videotapes.

57. These Skilled-Workers Seminars were videotaped, and the videos were then used at the hubs to train additional volunteers.

58. The quartet, which entered the competition with a leading seven nominations, accepted via videotape from Minneapolis.

59. The cost of packaging and distribution ranges from $3 to $4 per videotape.

60. Al-Jazeera said a group calling itself "Ansar al-Tawid wal Sunnah" produced the videotape.

61. 23 He stated that supporting evidence was on a videotape stored in a New York bank vault.

62. An amateur photographer on the shore captured last week's clash on videotape and its revelations aroused outrage.

63. He stated that supporting evidence was on a videotape stored in a New York bank vault.

64. The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.

65. Chong plays a reporter who survives a massacre in the opening scenes, then tells her story on videotape.

66. Entertainment and cultural activities, dubbing, videotape and audio editing, electronic desktop publishing, entertainment information, film production

67. Size and depth of scotomas were measured. Eye movements during reading were recorded on videotape.

68. 13 They managed to smuggle a videotape of the captive journalists out of the prison.

69. All vehicles carry videotapes and illustrative material and are designed to accommodate up to sixteen girls working in pairs at eight work stations.

70. Republican mayoral nominee Curtis Sliwa made Bigoted generalizations about Jews in a 2018 videotaped rant in which he accused the ultra-orthodox …

71. Admissability OF VIDEOTAPED INTERVIEWS/STATEMENTS IN CRIMINAL CHILD ABUSE PROCEEDINGS (updated September 2010) This compilation contains legislation, session laws, and codified statues

72. Police were also examining a surveillance videotape taken from a gas station on Cesar Chavez near the arrest scene.

73. Free estimates are available on request and a videotape provides a demonstration of how the system works.

74. The Income Tax Act provides for a Capital Cost Allowance for investors in Canadian film and videotape productions.

75. Which leads me to a videotape of a President Bush press conference from a couple of weeks ago.

76. She says there is an urgent need to monitor the process which leads to the decision to videotape.

77. Betamax machines crammed more information onto videotape than the initial VHS models, enabling them to record more detailed pictures

78. 11 The judge decided that allowing the videotape as evidence would be prejudicial to the outcome of the trial.

79. The judge decided that allowing the videotape as evidence would be prejudicial to the outcome of the trial.

80. Betacam® is a name of a videotape format developed by Sony and used for both professional filming and home use